
John Gray, senior minister, St Paul’s Anglican Church, Castle Hill, NSW

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April 10, 2017

Rod Irvine has been a source of wisdom to me for over twenty years. His ability to theologically reflect on church leadership, including the whole subject of money, has been a Godsend. As a result, Christians in the churches where I have served have been able to extricate themselves from debt and become increasingly generous. This, in turn, has meant those churches, including the one I currently serve in, have been able to significantly increase their annual income, eliminate debt, engage in capital campaigns and increase their capacity for mission support. My story can be told by other senior ministers in the Anglican world. This book distils the best of Rod’s thinking. If you will take these insights on board you will increase your pastoral ministry to believers, raise substantial funds for ministry, and thereby increase your capacity to reach those who are still far from Christ. I cannot speak highly enough of Rod or this book.